Thursday, October 31, 2019

Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 25

Summary - Essay Example The revolution of the internet made it possible to interlink different computers across the world, making it easier to enhance distribution of materials across the globe. New interventions were made to make it easy to plug, play, compete, connect and collaborate with each other seamlessly. The changes noted after the invention of the internet and advanced technology in digital platforms has made it possible to create a new world that few fathomed in the past. Individual digital materials are easy to sell to the world without the initial hustle of having to go through the stipulated regulations. Instead, the upload of materials has made it possible to provide more information than one can handle in a day, and change the way people relate to information. Friedman looks at the horizontal shift of using information as a platform that replaces the vertical shift present before the advancement of technology. Friedman is sure that the world will continue expanding whether one takes the initiative or not. Even a driver, as noted in Friedman’s travel to Budapest, has a website translated into three different languages. The speed at which the world is moving is making it difficult for people without the passion to develop their skills. The ability to make use of the internet to make sure they gain from the flattening world notion. One’s imagination, therefore, is one of the most important aspects that people need to work on to ensure they take full advantage of the possibilities present. Learning to collaborate is one of the greatest advantages presented to all people who want to make sure they maximize on the increased connectivity across the world. This will increase productivity gains and make it easier to understand the benefits of taking advantage to the globalization attributes across the divide. The revolution will be won by

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Maritime operations( cellular container ships) Essay

Maritime operations( cellular container ships) - Essay Example Several people are involved in the loading or unloading of a ship. These people are such as the pilot who guides the ship to the dock where it will be loaded or unloaded. This person is important because, without them, the ships would run the risk of running aground or even colliding with each other in the chaos of looking for docking space (Kachel 2008). This person has a good knowledge of the waters and, therefore, is hired by the ship’s master to assist guide the large vessel. The pilot, therefore, serves to protect the ship as well as the marine life. There is also the role played by the ship’s master. This is a senior person in the hierarchy of command of the ship. He/she has the responsibility of ensuring that the cargo within the ship is safely conveyed to its destination and disembarked from the ship in the case of unloading a ship. The other instance that the ship is being loaded with cargo, the ship’s master has to ensure that the safety of the cargo as well as the ship and its crew is maintained. Aside from this, the ship’s master is in charge of liaising with the port appointed representative to ensure that everything is going well (Righetti and Rimaboschi 2008). This simply indicates the role that the ship’s master has to play in ensuring safety of the ship and ship’s cargo. As mentioned above, the ship’s master has to liaise with a port appointed representative. This individual is versed with the experience that the ship’s master will need to offload the cargo. As per the rules of the International maritime Organization (1996), he/she together with the ship’s master is involved in developing a plan that ensures that the entire process of offloading or loading the cargo goes on smoothly. Due to the knowledge of the port, the representative has to ensure that the unloading machinery is availed. The representative also has to see to it that the ship’s master goes through the safety plans and agrees to them. This

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Political Issues Raised by Information Systems

Political Issues Raised by Information Systems What ethical, social, and political issues are raised by information systems? Ethics refers to the principles of right and wrong that individuals, acting as free moral agents use to make choices to guide their behavior. Information technology and information systems raise new ethical questions for both individuals and societies because they create opportunities for intense social change. Like other technologies, such as steam engines, electricity, telephone and radio, information technology can be used to achieve social progress, but it can also be used to commit crimes and threaten cherished social values. The development of information technology will produce benefits for many and costs for others. Ethical, social and political issues are closely linked. The ethical dilemma you may face as a manager of an information system typically is reflected in social and political debate. Privacy is the claim of individuals to be left alone, free from surveillance or interference from other individuals or organizations. Claims to privacy are also involved at the workplace; millions of employees are subject to electronic and other forms of high tech surveillance. Information technology and systems threaten individual claims to privacy by making the invasion of privacy cheap, profitable and effective. In Europe, privacy protection is much more stringent than in the US. European countries do not allow businesses to use personally identifiable information without consumers prior consent. The directive requires companies to inform people when they collect information about them and to disclose how it will be stored and used. Customers must provide their informed consent before any company can legally use data about them, and they have the right to access that information, correct it, and request that no further data be collected. Informed consent can be defined as consent given with the knowledge of all the facts needed to make a rational decision. EU member nations must translate these principles into their own laws and cannot transfer personal data to countries such as the US that dont have similar privacy protection regulations. The Internet introduces technology that poses new challenges to the protection of individual privacy that the original FIP principles have been inadequate in addressing. Information sent over this vast network of networks may pass through many different computer systems before it reaches its final destination. Each of these systems is capable of monitoring, capturing and storing communications that pass through it. Contemporary information systems have severely challenged existing law and social practices that protect private intellectual property. Intellectual property is considered to be intangible property created by individuals or corporations. Information technology has made it difficult to protect intellectual property because computerized information can be so easily copied or distributed on networks. Intellectual property is subject to a variety of protections under 3 different legal traditions: trade secrets, copyright and patent law. Contemporary information technologies especially software, pose a sever challenge to existing intellectual property regimes and therefore, create significant ethical, social and political issues. Digital media differ from books, periodicals, and other media in terms of ease of replication, ease of transmission, ease of alteration, difficulty in classifying a software work as a program, book or even music, making theft easy, and difficulties in establishing uniqueness. The proliferation of electronic networks, including the Internet, has made it even more difficult to protect intellectual property. Before widespread use of networks copies of software, books, magazine articles or films had to be stored on physical media such as paper, computer disks or videotapes creating some hurdles to distribution. Using networks, information can be more widely reproduced and distributed. With the www in particular, one can easily copy and distribute virtually anything to thousands and even millions of people around the world, even if they are using different types of computer systems. Information can be illicitly copied from one place and distributed through other systems and networks even though these parties do not willingly participate in the infringement. Mechanisms are being developed to sell and distribute books, articles and other intellectual property on the Internet, and some copyright protection is being provided by the DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) of 1998. The DMCA implements a world intellectual property organization treaty that makes it illegal to circumvent technology-based protections of copyrighted materials. ISPs (Internet Service Providers) are required to take down sites of copyright infringers that they are hosting once they are notified of the problem. Most experts agree that the current intellectual property laws are breaking down in the information age. The ease with which software and digital content can be copied contributes to making us a society of lawbreakers. These routine thefts threaten significantly to reduce the speed with which new information technologies can and will be introduced, therefore threatening further advances in productivity and social well-being. The main property-related political issue concerns the creation of new property protection measures to protect investments made by creators of new software, digital books and digital information. SIIA (Software and Information Industry Association) lobbies for new laws and enforcement of existing laws to protect intellectual property around the world. It runs an antipiracy hotline for individuals to report piracy activities and educational programs to help organizations combat software piracy. Many new technologies in the industrial era have created new opportunities for committing crime. Technologies, including computers, create new valuable items to steal, new ways to steal them and new ways to harm others. Computer crime is the commission of illegal acts through the use of a computer or against a computer system. In general, it is employees who have inflicted the most injurious computer crimes because they have the knowledge, access, and frequently a job related motive to commit such crimes. All nations in Europe and the US have an act making it illegal to access a computer system without authorization. Other existing legislation covering wiretapping, fraud and conspiracy by any means, regardless of technology employed is adequate to cover computer crimes committed thus far. The internets ease of use and accessibility has created new opportunities for computer crime and abuse. One widespread form of abuse is spamming in which organizations or individuals send out thousands and even hundreds of thousands of unsolicited email and electronic messages. This practice has been growing because it only costs a few cents to send thousands of messages advertising ones wares to Internet users. Finally, I think that the new worldwide sites and software give you more freedom to access what you are looking for. It can be use in a proper way and also in a wrong way. For global business is necessary to be in touch with people from other countries and cultures, and the only way to protect your business or even your personal information is to restrict the access of this important information to only a few group of people, and to be sure that they are managing this with a lot of responsibility. Thats what most of the companies do in their organization.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Elie Wiesels Night Essay -- Essays Papers

Night In Night, by Elie Wiesel, there is an underlying theme of anger. Anger not directed where it seems most appropriate- at the Nazis- but rather a deeper, inbred anger directed towards God. Having once been a role model of everything a â€Å"good Jew† should be, Wiesel slowly transforms into a faithless human being. He cannot comprehend why the God who is supposed to love and care for His people would refuse to protect them from the Germans. This anger grows as Wiesel does and is a constant theme throughout the book. Early in Night, Elie Wiesel begins to express doubt about his faith. Some talked of God, of his mysterious ways, ...and of their future deliverance. But I had ceased to pray. How I sympathized with Job! I did not deny God’s existence, but I doubted His absolute justice. (42) A good example of the mental shift occurring within Wiesel, this passage. Having grown up as a child of extreme faith in God and his divine power, this is a striking contrast of spiritual views. Young Wiesel once spent hours praying to God when he had very little concerns (especially when compared to his concerns in the concentration camp). Now that he is in a very trying time, one would think that his faith would be something he would desire to find comfort in. The tone of the first sentence almost sounds sarcastic- as if Wiesel thinks it odd that his people would even consider praying at all. He seems to view himself as being above all of that, not needing his faith- as he felt it could (or would) do nothing to help save him. In Wiesel’s sympathizing with Job, I see a contradiction, however. Job was a man of tremendous faith in God who, even when everything (famine, pestilence, death of all of his family, disease, poverty) went wrong, he still had faith in God. Job never doubted that the Lord would sustain him and support him. While on the other hand, Wiesel has given up all hope that he will be rescued by his faith. He has not stopped believing in God, however. Perhaps he has stopped believing in the particular God he has grown up worshiping. The last sentence shows us that he still believes that there is a God, he simply no longer trusts him. He feels as though his people have been betrayed and God is allowing the Jews to become victims for no apparent reason. As Night progresses, Wiesel becomes increasingly more hostil... ...see the inner reckoning of Wiesel to the conflict he has been fighting within himself. Until now, Wiesel has felt guilty about his growing distrust in God. Since childhood, the focus of the young boy’s life has been spiritual- and now he feels betrayed. He even goes as far as saying that he, the accuser, is accusing God himself. Wiesel goes on to say that his was alone- â€Å"terribly alone.† There is nothing in this world- religion, man, love, mercy- except Wiesel himself. This is ironic, seeing that he and the other Jews were so tightly packed into first the ghetto, then the trains, finally the camps themselves. It would seem- physically, at least- that Wiesel was closer to more people at this point than ever before in his life. He tells us, however, that he feel as though he is terribly, terribly alone. Wiesel talks of feeling that he is stronger than God. He sees those around him as being weak because of their need for God. Needing anything while in captivity can only make him weaker and more vulnerable. Because Wiesel feels abandoned and has calloused over his need for God, he feels stronger than the rest of the Jewish people- stronger even than the One they need.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Education and Co-education Schooling Systems Essay

Every coin has two sides, and my eye approaches to both of those silvery shiny sides, the positivity of coeducation is that a person learns how to interact and deal with other people and he/she develops her interpersonal skills which becomes a strong stivk to an old man when he/she enters the professional life because in that period of your life it is not necessary that you are only going to deal with girls if you are a girl or boys if you are a boy†¦. The time shows every mirror so its better to be trained from earlier clocks!! Its all depend on your character there is no advantages or disadvantages I don’t agree with some of my friends here, that there are disadvantages with co-education. It totally depends on the â€Å"INDIVIDUAL† how he/she takes the things and here â€Å"Attitude and Behavior† also plays very crucial role. If they have mutual understanding they can’t go with wrong things right. Co-education refers to a mixed schooling system, where boys and girls learn together under one single roof. A co-education school system mitigates any impartation and difference between girls and boys. They play, learn, read and write together without being discriminated by gender boundaries. The concept of co-education was believed to be introduced by the great Greek philosopher, Plato, who believed in the concept of equality for girls. However, along with some obvious advantages, the co-education schooling systems have some disadvantages as well. The following are some of the advantages and disadvantages of co-education. Advantages of Co-Education: Healthy Competition: One of the most obvious and natural advantages of the co-education system is that it promotes a healthy competition between boys and girls. There is always a natural tendency to compete with the opposite sex and to be held as the winner. Therefore, the co-education system is an excellent way to promote healthy rivalry, which often brings out the best of them. Economical: For under-developed and third-world countries, there are not enough resources to spend extravagantly on the educational budget. If these countries do not follow the mixed school system’s path, they will have to build individual schools for girls only. Therefore, the co-education or the mixed school system provides an opportunity to build fewer schools – with more money spent on the quality of education. Moreover, the co-education system also enables the school system to manage teachers with greater efficiency, since there are fewer classes to handle. Thus, the mixed schooling system is more economical when compared to a segregated schooling system. Build Confidence: It has been sometimes observed that students, with the background of a single-sex school, lack in confidence – whether they are boys or girls. On the other hand, co-education allows them to communicate with the opposite gender on a frequent basis. It develops the much required confidence in them, and they do not hesitate or hold back later in their lives. Disadvantages of Co-Education: As we know that there are numerous great advantages of co-education or mixed school system. However, it has its drawbacks as well. Following are some of the commonly observed disadvantages of a mixed school system. Lack of Concentration: Lack of concentration is a common disadvantage in a co-education system. It is natural to be attracted emotionally towards the opposite gender, which is detrimental to one’s education and advancement. Teenage crushes are quite common to be observed in the co-education system. Sexual Harassment: One of the more severe disadvantages of co-education is the increased probably of sexual harassment and molestation. There have been many reports regarding the sexual assault or harassment in the mixed schooling systems. This is harmful to the culture and the values of a society. Against the Traditions: Many people believe the co-education system to be against their traditions and cultures. Therefore, it often creates a rift among a society. Moreover, in the third-world countries, many people often restrain their daughters to go to school on the basis of co-education or the mixed schooling system. The co-education system has both the advantages and disadvantages. Basically, it depends upon one’s own perceptions, and cultural and environmental values. One should carefully consider both sides of this argument before making a conclusive decision one way or the other.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Newell Company: The Rubbermaid Opportunity Essay

In October 1998, Newell Company was considering a merger with Rubbermaid Incorporated to form a new company, Newell Rubbermaid Incorporated. The agreement would be through a tax-free exchange of shares valued at $5.8 billion. Newell had revenues of $3.7 billion in 1998 across three major product groupings: Hardware and Home Furnishings, Office Products, and Housewares. Rubbermaid is a renowned manufacturer of a wide range of plastic products ranging from children’s toys through housewares. Once the transaction is completed, Newell will begin he process of assimilating Rubbermaid’s operations through a process called â€Å"Newellization.† The companies expect that the merger will create synergy through the leveraging of Newell Rubbermaid brands. By 2000, these efforts are expected to produce increases over anticipated 1998 results of $300 to $350 million in operating income for the combined company. Reading the case analysis, there are many issues that I feel are concerning this merger and I feel that Newell should not process with this merger. First of all, this is a tough and alarming challenge to Newell’s capacity to integrate and strengthen acquisitions. How would Newell bring Rubbermaid into the newellization process since they have completely different products? Another question that comes to mind is how does Newell coordinate all its divisions and what changes will it have to make to create synergy with Rubbermaid? Does the newellization process fit for Rubbermaid? Lastly, are the risks acceptable for Newell to merge with Rubbermaid? Newell needs a very well thought out business plan and has to answer these questions before they proceed. There are advantages and disadvantages in this merger. I will start with the advantages. If this merger goes through, it will be a quantum step in Newell’s growth. The merger will be uniting two companies that are leaders in their industries. Through the merger, Newell will gain the international presence that Rubbermaid has. Both companies can create synergy within their divisions and Newell can expand their product line internationally. There  are certain products in Rubbermaid’s product line that Newell does not have. Another advantage the merger will create is increased operating income. Some disadvantages of the deal are that Newell would be exposed to a tough challenge to the company’s capacity to combine its acquisitions. One big disadvantage is the risk that is involved in the deal for Newell. Newell is a very respectable company, and a company whose customers are very satisfied. They are very successful with their acquisitions due to their exemplary newellization process. Rubbermaid currently has many problems with their company such as bad customer relations, their operations are not lean, increases competition has taken away market share, and their financial targets seem unrealistic. Newell needs to understand these problems and realize what they will have to deal with if they join with Rubbermaid. Doing my research I have come up with many more disadvantages than advantages toward this merger and that is why I feel that these companies should not merge. In today’s business world, companies change hands all the time through mergers and acquisitions. Most of the time, the security propositions of new ventures are disregarded. Company A may have the most secure network, but when they couple this network with Company B, you’re exposing your company to a whole new set of risks. The first step is that Newell needs to assess the business risk. Reputation loss is an issue, which Newell will be affected by. Rubbermaid has bad customer relations because it has angered its most important retail buyers with the heavy-handed way it has passed its rising costs. They have given their competitors a lot of shelf space. A big question mark comes to my mind is when I think about how Newell will bring Rubbermaid into the Newellization process. Newellization is described as a â€Å"well established profit improvement and productivity enhancement process that is applied to integrate newly acquired product lines.† The newellization process includes the centralization of key administrative functions including data processing, accounting, and EDI, and inauguration of Newell’s rigorous, multi-measure, divisional operating control system. Reading the case analysis, Rubbermaid is extremely incompetent in these areas. Their operations are one of their biggest problems. According to the  case, â€Å"although it excels in creativity, product quality, and merchandising, Rubbermaid is showing itself to be a laggard in more mundane areas such as modernizing machinery, eliminating unnecessary jobs, and making deliveries on time.† Looking at Rubbermaid and analyzing their problems, they have to tally the opposite qualities of companies that Newell has acquired in the past. Newell’s acquired companies were mature businesses with unrealized profit potential. Rubbermaid has had a mature business for quite a long time and I do not see any room for unrealized profit potential. They have a very big international presence and Newell will end up hurting themselves once they have to deal with Rubbermaid and their incompetence. I do not feel that the newellization process fits Rubbermaid because these are two companies that have been around for a while, and it is not like Rubbermaid is a start-up or a fairly recent company that can be changed around quickly and all of the sudden have lean operations, which newellization has proved it can do with previous acquisitions. Newell should stick to their business principle and do what they have done in the past, which is to acquire small to medium sized companies and integrate them into the newellization process and create an enormous amount of synergy. I always believe that one should do something that they know best or have experience in and not pursue a totally different market in which that have no experience in. In this case, Newell does not have any experience with acquiring a company that is worth billions. A merger example that recently occurred which has turned into a blunder is the AOL Time Warner merger. These were two totally different companies in different industries that thought they could merge and be a giant in the Internet and Media/Entertainment industry. The outcome of this merger is that the CEO’s of both companies are being laughed at in the business world. AOL Time Warner stock price is in the dump and the company is in real trouble. Newell can avoid all this by again looking at their previous acquisitions and seeing what type of companies they acquired, which were companies with unrealized profit potential and who had the ability to create synergy in a short amount of time with Newell’s existing divisions. In conclusion, the deal is attractive for Newell but is not worth the risk that is involved. The key to merger and acquisitions is to not jump on your first instinct and just merge or acquire a company that’s price looks cheap.  You have to determine what the company will look like in the future. Lack of foresight will cause a huge problem. Rising raw material costs along with Rubbermaid’s operational problems will impair the whole newellization process. Rubbermaid has very sour relationships with their clients and Newell will have an extremely difficult time fixing those relationships. If the two companies merge, only investors or individuals who follow business news will know that these two companies are one. The average customer will still know of Rubbermaid as Rubbermaid. I feel that Rubbermaid brings a lot of heavy baggage to the table and will hurt the smooth and exemplary business that Newell has attained.