Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Milan Kunderas The Unbearable Lightness of Being Essay -- Milan Kunde

Milan Kundera's The Unbearable Lightness of Being The subjects of strength and dehumanization are inseparably weaved since forever and, along these lines, writing. Milan Kundera addresses this idea in his novel, The Unbearable Lightness of Being, by portraying the Russian intrusion of Czechoslovakia and its radical effect on his characters, the interrelations of these characters, just as its ramifications in a little passage on man's assumed strength over different animals. This last entry integrates the automation of individuals with that of creatures, indicating that the residents of socialist Czechoslovakia are required to turn out to be close to asset. The physical attack of Czechoslovakia by Russia is showed inside the novel by the influence its socialist system has on the local occupants of, for this situation, Prague. Czech residents were informed that, for their advantage, they should accept solidarity and expel uniqueness from among them. Czech convictions were commanded by Russian optimism and people were motorized by a craving for consistency. This subject is woven all through the novel, portrayed in structures indistinguishable from the characters and Kundera's irregular self-portraying experiences. All through the novel, Kundera utilizes the ideas of individuals being motorized by socialism and creatures being automated by individuals. ?Mechanical? is a term that alludes to that which is programmed, automatic, deadpan, and foolish. The real utilization of socialism, rather than its hypothetical expectations, fits this oblivious acknowledgment and similarity. The people of Prague will be compelled to adopt an emotionless strategy to independence, vocation, society, religion and particularly legislative issues. Like machi... ...? (289). Preferably, man would demonstrate leniency to his kindred person rather than continually attempting to pick up control over him. Russia?s attack of Czechoslovakia is an effort of intensity, a case of strength over the desire of another nation. Its dehumanization of the occupants of Czechoslovakia straightforwardly corresponds to man?s supposition of control over creatures. Predominance is an assumed right, legitimized less by truth than by man?s will to legitimize. The pictures Kundera uses to delineate the intrusion of Czechoslovakia are both distinct and uncovering. They are pictures of death camps, stripped consistency, strength over ward animals, and mechanical people and creatures the same. Tomas?s triumphs and Tereza?s dreams are appearances of a nation in a battle for its freedom. With these characters, Kundera adapts the basically harsh idea of socialism.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Government policies Essay

Depict, with models, the effect of government arrangements on various open administrations P5 Identify how society is influenced by government strategies In the UK, strategies are set up so as to secure us and help implement assorted variety and correspondence. Once in a while they are not in every case emphatically affected on our general public and open administrations; they can be negative too. In this task, I will cover both the effects of government approaches on the open administrations and how society is influenced. Human Rights The most ordinarily known arrangement that has influenced the entirety of the administrations is the human rights approach. This demonstration was passed in the UK in 1998 which ensured us and gave us the privilege to life, training, freedom and security and opportunity of articulation. At whatever point these rights are abused, the casualty may take the administration or individual to take and challenge the activities of the violator. A Police Officer was blamed for damaging somebody rights subsequent to hitting an understudy (Tony Jones) in the face. They damaged opportunity of get together and affiliation, opportunity of articulation and opportunity of thought. Much the same as numerous cases-This one was likewise excused and the Officer wasn’t charged for the presumed infringement. Equivalent Opportunities Fundamentally the same as Human Rights-Equal Opportunities additionally secure us. While this has been around for some time, the uniformity demonstration was republished in 2010 which ends any oppression â€Å"age, handicap, sex reassignment, marriage and common organization, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and conviction, sex and sexual orientation.† If for instance you are applying for the Public Service and you are swinger then the administration can't reject your application in light of your sexual direction. In the event that you are a male Sikh and you needed to join the Force, you are permitted to wear a blue police turban with the identification of your power being shown. This approach prevents individuals from turning out to be more ‘important’ than others which permit everybody to be dealt with decently and not the equivalent. Civilianisation As a component of the budgetary cut back on the Public Services, more regular people are accomplishing non-operational work. This incorporates more regular citizens working in theâ communication control focus which dispatches crisis administrations to 999 calls. A key purpose behind civilianisation is on the grounds that it is significantly less expensive than utilizing prepared representatives who can do likewise yet with small preparing or experience. Fire Station Closures Fire Station terminations is separated of the Government’s plan to expand investment funds. In London alone, 10 Fire Stations have been compelled to close down which has driven several Firefighters jobless. Indeed, even the most established serving Fire Station in Clerkenwell has been closed down. This implies For any individual who dials 999 and requests the Fire and Rescue administration, the firemen will take more time to show up to the scene contrasted with before where there may have been a Fire Station close by. As an outcome, Communities are not having a sense of security which brings about fights. Expanded utilization of Technology The utilization of trend setting innovation being utilized during present day fighting has not just spared our equipped administrations from being killed or harmed, it likewise permitted us to get observation over territories that we would have always been unable to. Automatons and satellites have permitted us to spy over our foes and furthermore murder them. Metal Detectors permitted the bleeding edge to discover ad lib dangerous gadget (IED) which would have spared many lives alone. Lamentably, it isn’t consistently true to form. Automatons are likewise answerable for a large number of civilians’ life during the Afghanistan War and they have even ended our lives (Green on Blue). In the UK, increment utilization of innovation has additionally spared lives and prosecutes lawbreakers. The expansion of CCTV in the UK permitted us to record and catch hoodlums and serves them equity. While a few people accept they disregard their security, a few people feel a great deal ensured inside networks. Instances of society influenced by Government Policies They’re numerous arrangements that influence us both emphatically and contrarily. Instances of a couple are; Education costs Tank rises Deals of Council Houses Education costs Education costs are likely one of the negatives about attendingâ further-training. In the event that you’re going to University, at that point expect a costly expense after your course that you are required to repay every month. Numerous alumni are as yet paying their expenses much following 5-10 years. The fundamental motivation behind why society is influenced by the expenses is on the grounds that less individuals are going to college absolutely in light of the fact that it’s excessively exorbitant. Significantly after graduation, you are not ensured work so a few people become jobless while repaying the obligation. Tank rises Each thing you buy legitimately has a VAT which expands the general expense of the thing. This is regularly a 20% expansion which is very expensive relying upon the thing. If you somehow managed to purchase a PC for  £500(no VAT) at that point the last cost would be  £600. This implies numerous families are constrained into neediness while they need to battle on getting by on the lowest pay permitted by law. Deals of gathering houses Selling of gathering houses is turning into an expanding issue in the UK as individuals and even organizations are purchasing the house out. This implies several family homes are presently claimed by private proprietors or unique individuals. As an outcome, families are thinking that its hard to track down family-homes to live in. How Society is influenced by Government Policies At the point when Society doesn't concur with another arrangement that the Government set up, it ordinarily brings about fights close to Governmental Buildings with signs censuring crafted by Government. Notwithstanding, fights are both quiet and brutal. There are a few sorts of fights, for example, - Sit-ins - Marching - Legal Action - Striking - Violating Laws Sit in This is one of the basic sorts of fights. This implies remaining in one area while declining to leave. A case of a past demonstration is the dissent outside the United Nations (U.N). Walking This includes strolling from various areas while holding signs and ordinarily yelling. One of the most well known walking was driven by Martin Luther King in 1963. This dissent was to advance social equality and uniformity for the ethnic minority. Legitimate Action Despite the fact that this isn’t a mass-fight, it is as yet a structure which individuals despite everything use. This includes prosecuting an individual or organization so as to press lawful charges against them. In 2012, the Democratic Party sued Florida on account of the presidential political race results. Striking This is generally scene among Teachers who accept they are not paid enough or the Government plan on writing their check. Striking methods declining to help out your boss till your requests are met. This is regularly a mass-fight since you are almost certain to be terminated on the off chance that you general didn’t tune in to your Boss. Disregarding Laws (Riots) Uproars are typically because of the Public inclination irate against the Government’s choice. Uproars include individuals torching structures, plundering, criminal harm and even homicide. During the 2011 Riot, 5 individuals were killed, more than 100 Police Officers harmed and more than 10 dissidents harmed.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Sample TOEFL Multiple Choice Essay Characteristics of a Good Coworker

Sample TOEFL Multiple Choice Essay Characteristics of a Good Coworker Sample TOEFL Multiple Choice EssayThe QuestionDuring our careers, we work with many different kinds of people. All of them have unique characteristics and personality traits. In your opinion, which of the following is the most important characteristic of a coworker?a serious attitude regarding their work obligationsa willingness to learn new thingsthe ability to make other people laughYou may choose more than one of these options. Use reasons and specific examples to explain your answer. Do not use memorized examples.Special Offer: TOEFL Essay Evaluation and ScoringYou can now sign up to have your practice essays evaluated and scored by the author of this page. This service is a great way to learn how you will do before test day and how you can best prepare for the big day. Sign up today.The Sample EssayEveryone in the world spends an enormous amount of time at their workplace, and how much they enjoy their job depends largely on how much they like their coworkers. I am of the opinio n that there are two main characteristics of a good co-worker, which are a serious attitude and a willingness to learn new things. I will explore these two factors in the following essay.First of all, coworkers who approach their tasks with a serious attitude are desirable because they help to maintain an efficient work environment. People who behave in a professional manner are less likely to be lazy and pass their responsibilities off to others. This always makes life much easier for everyone in an organization. For example, last summer the staff at my company felt overwhelmed by the number of assignments we had to complete. It was our busy season, and we had a number of unexpected orders come in from our international clients. Filling these orders required everyone to focus intently on their specific areas of responsibility. While this meant that some employees were working longer hours than others, no one complained about the situation. Instead, we all maintained a professional demeanor, and as a result we were able to get through the season. Secondly, if workers feel comfortable learning new things, they will be more likely to adapt to rapid changes at their workplaces. The techniques and theories that people learned at school just a decade ago are quickly becoming obsolete. Employees who are unwilling to learn from their younger colleagues often create unpleasant workplaces. My own experience is a compelling example of what I mean. Last year my firm hired a new employee who had more than twenty years of experience in our industry. While at first glance he seemed like a perfect addition to our organization, his techniques were wholly out of step with the modern world. Not only that, but he became apprehensive and belligerent when younger staff members tried to show him about current trends in our industry. Eventually he was dismissed from the firm because of the negative effect he had on his coworkers.In conclusion, I believe that professionalism and a wi llingness to learn new things are the hallmarks of a good employee. This is because a professional attitude is necessary to ensure a smooth and efficient work environment, and because in today’s rapidly changing world it is always necessary to learn new skills and techniques. (409 words)Note:This is a sample TOEFL independent essay written by a native speaker. It follows our TOEFL writing templates for independent essays. If it is useful, please remember that we havemany more sample essaysfor you to read!

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Overview And Analysis Of Ahc Limited Finance Essay - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 11 Words: 3277 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Argumentative essay Did you like this example? Financing Proposed : The purpose of this written lending submission is to explore the possibility of lending $5 million to AHC Limited Purpose : Funding in the construction of new office buildings in the area of Northern New South Wales Section 2.0: Overview of Business Subsection 2.1: Business Description and History AHC Limited (AHC) is a property development company based in Queensland. The companys business operations include incorporating contract residential and commercial building, property development for long-term asset portfolio creation and subdivision of land for residential and industrial development. AHC was listed on the Australian Stock Exchange on 24th of March 1988. The business operation is split in two divisions: commercial and housing divisions. Both businesses were operational in the geographic area between Hervey Bay, Queensland to Ballina in Northern New South Wales. Within the commercial segment, the offerings of the companys consist of Worongary Town Center and Saltwater Estate. In addition, a medical center was completed with doctor, dentist and physiotherapy open at the end of the fiscal year June 30, 2007. Besides that, AHC commercial division specializes in the construction of service stations, shopping centers, factories, show rooms as well as low-rise office bu ildings. On the other hand, within the housing segment of AHC, AHC Homes have been engaged in the development of new homes for Queensland and Northern NSW families. AHC Homes have earned enviable reputation for stylish design and value for money and have been known as one of the innovators in the quality new home market. AHC display homes are located at Sea Breeze Estate, Pottsville and Regatta Waters Oxenford and Halpine Lake Mango Hill. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Overview And Analysis Of Ahc Limited Finance Essay" essay for you Create order Subsection 2.2: Current Borrowings The company currently holds bank overdraft amounting to $25,748. This overdraft is secured by a floating charge over the Company assets. Besides that, the bank bills are secured by first mortgages over certain freehold land, buildings and work in progress. National Australia Bank has a registered fixed and floating charge over the assets of the Company including: Registered mortgage over property situate 7 South Quay Drive, Biggera Waters Qld 4216 Registered Mortgage Debenture over the whole of AHC Ltd assets including goodwill and uncalled capital and called but unpaid capital together with relative insurance policy assigned to the National Australia Bank Limited Registered Mortgage over property situate Worongary Village Shopping Centre 1 Mudgeeraba Road Worongary Qld more particularly described in Certificate of Title Reference 50310789. Registered Mortgage over property situate Caltex Service Station 2 Helensvale Drive Helensvale more particularly described in Certi ficate of Title Reference 50366042. Registered mortgage over property situate 9 South Quay Drive, Biggera Waters Qld 4216 Registered mortgage over property situate Cnr Ramsay Woolgar Roads, Gympie, Qld. The bank bills amounting to $18,432,718 are rolled over monthly and a variable rate of interest is payable on roll over. Specific to the development of the companys non-current asset Worongary Village Shopping Centre, The bill arrangement was originally established in 2003. As such, these bills are classified as non-current debt even though the company does not have an unconditional right to defer settlement for at least twelve months after reporting date. The amount of Current Secured Loan totaling $4,278,352 with Suncorp Metway Ltd is secured by a registered mortgage over property situated at Lots 400, 502 2 on SP 213534 Siganto Drive, Helensvale. It is noted that the company also has a bank guarantee facility in place with National Australia Bank amounting to $250,00 0. Section 3.0: Industry Analysis Property Industry Outlook: AHC Limited is categorized as part of the property development industry with the company operations divided into 2 divisions: Housing property and commercial property. With the recent global economy downturn due to the US sub prime mortgage crisis, Australia was the only G20 member that did not fall into a recession in 2009 (Westpac 2010). However, the effects of the downturn negatively affected the property market. According to Westpacs outlook on the property market for the next three years, as the price increased in the residential sector in the beginning of 2009 and there are signs that commercial property have begun to recover, the outlook for the next three years would be continued growth (Westpac 2010). The challenge remains however for the property market to grow in a period when the stimulus package is removed (Westpac 2010). Subsection 3.1: Residential Property According to Westpacs outlook, expectations for 2010 are for demand to remain healthy in the residential property market as job growth surges over the next few years in respond to the recovery of the economy (Westpac 2010). Interest rates are also expected to increase to ensure the property market will not be overheated. Even though the stimulus is being removed through the forecast period of 2010-2012, the recovery of the economy should stimulate demand in the property market as price stabilizes in 2010 due to expected rise in interest rates (Westpac 2010). These indications of probable signs of growth will bring positive impact on AHC Limited Housing Divisions financial position as there will be more opportunities in the future. This might assist to improve AHC Limiteds cash flow to service and repay the $5 million loan proposed. Subsection 3.2: Office Property As supply remained low and demands are expected to improve, the office market is near its peak in most markets over Australia, this is especially true in New South Wales (Westpac 2010). It is also stated in Westpacs outlook that while most markets have peaked, recovery of rents or values is not anticipated until later in the year of 2011 (Westpac 2010). As the proposal of lending $5 million to construct new office buildings in a fast growing area of Northern New South Wales is currently being considered, the future outlook looks well for AHC Limited. As supply of office buildings is currently low where market has peaked, it would be a good opportunity for AHC Limited to use the funds to construct these office buildings to take advantage of the expected outlook. As such, it would be reasonable to say that the funds lent to AHC Limited suits the purpose of the loan, as supply remains low and economy rising, the New South Wales market is expected to improve in future. The commercia l property markets are also said to be entering the recovery phase of the investment cycle (Property Council 2010). As total returns recorded for Australias commercial property market has improved at the end of December 2009, the results indicates improvement for the markets and signifies the commercial property market recovering from a trough in the property investment cycle in mid 2009 (Property Council 2010). As such, it is safe to say that AHC Limiteds decision to use the funds to invest in office buildings has a positive outlook and it is unlikely that the company would default on the loan. Another similar article by Lynne Blundell (2010) stated that Australias office market has retained their shine in comparison to other countries around the globe after the global financial crisis. Even though Australia withstood the global economic downturn better than most countries, the country still experienced a decline in office demands and rising vacancies in 2009 (Lynne Blundell 201 0). However, recent fall in national unemployment and rising rental incentives offered by landlords would indicate an intense competition for office blocks in 2010 (Lynne Blundell 2010). Subsection 3.3: Risk factors in Property Development Industry Part 3.3.1: Pre-construction Risk A study conducted by Newell and Steglick (2006) shows that overall respondents in the study think that this phase of property development has the highest overall risk due to uncertainty in pre-construction phase and other factors being out of developers control. The study also shows that Environmental risk which scored the highest among the risk ratings is seen as the highest risk factor in this phase of property development (Newell and Steglick 2006). There are other risk factors which include risk in terms of approval, title, political, feasibility and infrastructure in the pre-construction phase (Newell and Steglick 2006). In mitigating such risks, various strategies can be employed by AHC Limited such as analyzing cost impacts before committing to address environmental risk; purchase conditional on rezoning, confirm pre-DA if extra approvals are needed to address approval risk; evaluate land deficiency into land price to address market risk; and dealing only with experienced bu ilders and developers to avoid experience risk (Newell and Steglick 2006). Such strategies would assist in reducing the risk involved when making decisions in the pre-construction phase. Part 3.3.2: Contract Negotiation Risk The contract negotiation phase of property development is seen as the second highest overall risk in the study conducted by Newell and Steglick (2006). In this phase, it is found that land cost and acquisition terms are significant risk factors to manage in the contract negotiation phase (Newell and Steglick 2006). To address the land cost risk involved, proper price negotiation is done to provide adequate contingencies. AHC Limited can also negotiate adjustment mechanisms for price and conditions to minimize acquisition term risks (Newell and Steglick 2006). By carefully mitigating those risks, property developers will gain a fair and flexible contract terms as well as allowing for reasonable profit margin. Part 3.3.3: Construction Risk In this phase of property development, there are three specific risk factors seen to be important in the overall development process: time delay risk, cost increase risk and engineering risk (Newell and Steglick 2006). In order to overcome time delay risk, property developers usually take steps in ensuring there is adequate insurance cover (Newell and Steglick 2006). Besides that, developers also usually penalize builders for any delay in the construction to avoid any time delay costs as delay of construction would lead to a breach of terms of construction contract and would cost the company (Newell and Steglick 2006). Cost increase risk on the other hand is usually overcome by negotiating fixed price building contract in order to avoid any sudden cost increase (Newell and Steglick 2006). Section 4: Financial Analysis Sub-Section 4.1: Ratios Analysis Part 4.1.1: Ratios Analysis Table 4.1: Current Ratio Calculation 2007 2008 2009 Current Ratio = 2.27:1 = 1.97:1 = 2.39:1 The current ratio is categorised under liquidity ratio. Liquidity ratio is compute to determine whether the business has the ability to meet its short-term financial obligations (Sathye et al. 2003). The ideal ratio for the current ratio is 2 but there a fluctuation between 1.5 and 2 is still acceptable (Clemens Dyer 1986 cited in Sathye et al. 2003). From the table above, we can see that the current ratio for AHC Limited have an almost ideal ratio according to the benchmark. These ratios mean that AHC Limited has been utilising their current assets for profitable use. These ratios also show that AHC Limited do not have a high amount of debtors. Part 4.1.2: Debt-to-Equity Ratio Table 4.2: Debt-to-Equity Ratio Calculation 2007 2008 2009 Debt-Equity Ratio = 1.06:1 = 1.23:1 = 1.13:1 The debt-to-equity ratio is categorised under the leverage ratios. Leverage ratios are used to judge the proportions and manageability of debt carried by a firm (Sathye et al. 2003). The debt-to-equity ratio specifically shows the proportion of amount borrowed by a firm compared with the proprietors investment in the firm (Sathye et al. 2003). The generally accepted benchmark for this ratio is that it should not exceed 2. Based on the debt-to-equity ratio for the 3 years, the proprietors stake in AHC Limited has not fluctuated much. The proprietors stake in AHC Limited has remained an average of 47%. Thus, creditors enjoy a higher level of protection due to the fact that the proprietors stake in AHC Limited is large. Part 4.1.3: Inventory Turnover Ratio Table 4.3: Inventory Turnover Ratio Calculation 2007 2008 2009 Inventory Turnover Ratio = 0.68:1 = 1.14:1 = 1.05:1 The inventory turnover ratio is categorised under the efficiency ratios. Efficiency ratios are used to measure how efficiently the firm utilise its assets (Sathye et al. 2003). The inventory turnover ratio reflects the efficiency of the firm in management of inventory (Sathye et al. 2003). The inventory turnover ratio for AHC Limited is relatively low. Although a high inventory turnover ratio indicates a fast moving inventory. However, this does not necessarily apply in this case. AHC Limited operates its business in the real estate industry. Their inventory consists of residential, commercial and industrial buildings developments (AHC 2010). Part 4.1.4: Net Profit-Sales Ratio Table 4.4: Net Profit-Sales Ratio Calculation 2007 2008 2009 Net Profit-Sales Ratio = 84.04% = 11.44% = 7.25% The net profit-sales ratio is categorised under the profitability ratios. The profitability ratios are used to measures the profitability of sales generated through operations (Sathye et al. 2003). Net profit-sales ratio specifically measures the profitability of the firm when all the costs, including administrative costs are taken into account (Sathye et al. 2003). There is no specific benchmark for this net profit-sales ratio. However, the higher the ratio, the better it is. We can see from the table above that the net profit-sales ratio has been decreasing in the last 3 years. This indicates that the profit for AHC Limited has been decreasing even though sales have been increasing at the same time. Sub-Section 4.2: Financial Position and Performance Analysis Table 4.5: Summary of Key Balance Sheet Figures 2007 $ 2008 $ 2009 $ Cash and cash equivalents 1,756,335 1,337,936 1,571,454 Trade Other Receivables 58,050 712,682 122,925 Inventories 12,680,859 14,863,448 13,124,996 Current Tax Asset 14,334 Other current assets 122,662 114,250 64,936 Total Current Assets 14,632,240 17,028,315 14,884,311 Trade Other Payables 2,481,750 3,421,965 1,837,038 Financial liabilities 3,766,343 4,939,466 4,392,082 Provisions 197,828 281,951 Total Current Liabilities 6,445,921 8,643,383 6,229,120 (Source: AHC Limited Annual Report 2009 2008) Part 4.2.1: Short-Term Liquidity AHC Limited has a fair amount of cash and this amount of cash at hand had been more or less been maintained over the 3 years period. This would mean that the firm will have available funds to fulfil its obligations to creditors. However, we can see that the amount collected from debtors has dwindled over the years. This will inadvertently tied up possible cash for investment or working capital purposes. Nonetheless, short-term liquidity does not pose as an important factor in this analysis as the funding proposed is in longer term. Part 4.2.2: Long-Term Solvency Long-term solvency level of a firm determines the firms ability to meet its interest cost and payment schedules of long-term obligations. This can be observed from the debt-to-equity ratio. It is shown that AHC Limited has sufficient capital and this will poses a lesser risk to the lender. This is due to the fact that there is capital to provide a permanent and unrestricted commitment of funds and to absorb arising losses. Part 4.2.3: Business Performance AHC Limited has seen a drop in their net profit especially in year 2008 where profits has decreased dramatically from $7.2 million in year 2007 to $1.9 million. The profit has further decreased in year 2009 to $1 million. This continuous decrease in net profit is a result from the global economic downturn which is a factor to the lower than expected sales from the firms contract housing division (Business Spectator 2009). Although AHC Limited has raked in profits for the last 3 years, the net profit however has become lesser. A worrying factor would be that the firm could possibly be making losses in the future. Section 5: Security Acquiring security over the borrowers assets can be seen as taking insurance on the lending which will protect the lender in unforeseen circumstances (Sathye et al. 2003). The security can be viewed as the second way out for repayment and usually come in the form of land, guarantees and other kinds of asset (Sathye et al. 2003). We can see from the AHC Annual Report that AHC possessed some property, plant and equipment. However, further details are needed to determine on the feasibility of taking those property, plant or equipment as security. Further details are also needed to measures the strength of those assets as the second way out. Nevertheless, for the purpose of this current analysis, we are assuming there is no available security for the taking at the moment. Section 6: Key strengths and weaknesses relating to the proposal Key Strengths: The current outlook for the property industry is positive for the next few years which would support AHC Limiteds loan purpose in constructing new office buildings The company has been operating for over 20 years in the property industry. Thus, time has allowed the management to develop significant management and employee expertise. There is a growing demand for office buildings and current supply of office buildings in the market is low as well. It is most probable that AHC Limited will be able to rent out or sell the building blocks as soon as construction is done. With the continued job growth in Australia, there would be expected growing demand for office buildings. A relatively low debt to equity ratio indicates the company is not relying on leverage and the equity to sustain the company is sufficient. Key Weaknesses: Interest rate risk. AHC Limiteds construction cost might increase due to increase in interest rates. Mitigant : Interest c ost can be more predictable if interest rate derivatives are used. AHC Limited recorded high level of losses for the last 3 years as a result of the global economic downturn. This may mean that equity available to sustain these losses is decreasing. Mitigant : AHC Limited can raise more capital by issuing shares or bonds in order to compensate for the losses. In the property industry, there are many strong competitors like Land Lease ($3,304 million) and Australand ($806 million) which possessed much higher market capitalisation than AHC ($11 million). Mitigant: AHC Limited should expand the companys operation into other states of Australia to remain competitive in the industry Section 7: Recommendation Sub-section 7. 1: Proposed Loan Pricing The following pricing of loan calculation take into account the credit and non-credit 1risks. It has also considered the risk to weighted asset and capital adequacy level. Balance Sheet Asset Liabilities Loan $5,000,000.00 Deposits $4,957,639.18 Liquid Asset $154,639.18 Equity Capital $200,000 $5,154,639.18 $5,154,639.18 Profit and Loss Statement Financial Performance Yield Balance Loan $349,459.67 6.99% $5,000,000 Liquid Asset $5,412.37 3.5%1 $154,639.18 Prepayment Charge $10,000 0.2%1 $5,000,000 Less : Cost of Deposits $148,729.18 3%2 $4,957,639.18 Operating Cost $150,000 Expected Loss $9,000 0.18%3 $5,000,000 Profit before Tax $57,142,86 Tax $17,142.86 30%4 Net Profit after Tax $40,000 20%1 $200,000 1. Assume prepayment risk of 20 basis points, liquidity rate at 3% against lending assets, which currently earn 3.5% and ROE rate at 20% 2. According to Australia Banks, the current deposit rate is 3%. 3. Assume the probably of default is 3.0% while its recovery rate is 94%. 4. The standard company income tax is 30%. 5. Assume the cost of marketing and monitoring the loan is $150,000. 6. Assume the Risk to Weighted Asset is 50% and capital adequacy is 8% Capital Allowance = Loan Amount x Risk to Weighted Asset x Capital Adequacy Rate ÃÆ' £Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ = $5,000,000 x 50% x 8% ÃÆ' £Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ ÃÆ' £Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ = $200,000 ÃÆ' £Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ ÃÆ' £Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ ÃÆ' £Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ After tax return on equity = Capital Allowance x Required Return ÃÆ' £Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ = $200,000 x 20% ÃÆ' £Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ ÃÆ' £Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ = $40,000 ÃÆ' £Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ Liquid Asset = (Loans + Liquid Asset) x Liquidity rate ÃÆ' £Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ = ($5,000,000 + Liquid Asset) x 3% ÃÆ' £Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ ÃÆ' £Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ = $154,639.18 ÃÆ' £Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ ÃÆ' £Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ ÃÆ' £Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ Expected Losses = Default probability x (1- recovery rate) ÃÆ' £Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ = 3.0 % x (1- 94%) ÃÆ' £Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ ÃÆ' £Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ = 0.18% ÃÆ' £Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ The proposed interest rate based on the loan pricing calculation is 6.99%. Assumptions were made on the necessary information needed to complete the calculation. Sub-section7.2: Conclusion AHC Limited is a company that suffered high losses at the year ended 2008 due to the global financial crisis which heavily affected Australias property market as a result of job losses and fall in demand for housing and commercial properties. Therefore, currently the company is not in its past health and financial position as it was before. This is due to the financial crisis which caused the statement of financial position of the company to shrink greatly as it absorbed heavy losses. The financial health position of the company appears to be relatively good compared with industry benchmark in terms of current ratio and debt to equity ratio. However, it is noted that the company is not doing well in terms of profitability ratio as the Net profits to sales ratio fell from 84% to 7.25% at the year ended 2009 from 2007. This might indicate AHC poor ability to generate profit as their total profit plunged from $7 million to $1.9 million. This will affect AHCs capacity to service and repay the $5 million credit facility. At the moment, it can be concluded that AHC Limited would not be suitable as a lending proposition. Even though the outlooks on the property seems to be positive and there will be growth in the industry in near future, it is not evident that AHC Limited would be able to generate necessary cash flows to service and repay the $5 million credit facility. It is also probable that other strong competitors within the industry would cause setbacks for AHC Limited within the loan period, which would lead to risks that AHC defaulting on the loan. As such, it is recommended that we do not consider the possibility of lending to AHC $5 million for working capital.

Monday, May 11, 2020

Liberalism Philosophy - 1839 Words

Slide 1 - Ideology founded on the natural goodness of humans and the autonomy of the individual and favoring civil and political liberties, government by law with the consent of the governed, and protection from arbitrary authority. - advocates limited government, constitutionalism, rule of law, due process, individual liberties including freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and free markets Slide 2 Liberalism started as a major doctrine and intellectual endeavour in response to the religious wars gripping Europe during the 16th and 17th centuries, up until the cold war †¢ Liberalism as a specifically named ideology begins in the late 18th century as a movement towards self-government and away from aristocracy. It†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ Today, classical liberals tend to see government power as the enemy of liberty, while modern liberals fear the concentration of wealth and the expansion of corporate power. †¢ And like in any adoption to the times, the concept of classical liberalism as such can no longer exist in a modern day context as its principles were only relevant at the time its founding thinkers conceptualised them. Nevertheless, classical liberalism has once again enjoy a resurgence in today’s political and constitutional framework. Legal luminaries like Justice Clarence Thomas of the United States uses language in his SC decisions that articulates political and constitutional theories with roots in the ideals classical liberalism like limited government, the rule of law, personal responsibility and freedom from restraint. †¢ Further, our basic fundamental rights to life, liberty and property take root from the Classical Liberalism Theory. SLIDE 5 Thomas Hobbes – born on Good Friday, April 5, 1588, was an English philosopher, best known today for his work on political philosophy. His 1651 book Leviathan established the foundation for most of Western political philosophy from the perspective of social contract theory SLIDE 6 †¢ The social contract or political contract is an intellectual construct that typically addresses two questions, first, that of the origin of society, and second, the question of the legitimacy of the authorityShow MoreRelatedPolitical Philosophy Of Liberalism1098 Words   |  5 PagesLiberalism is a political viewpoint that is established on the thoughts of liberty and equality. Thus, liberalists promote various ideas that are aligned to the concepts of liberty and equality such as freedom of speech, freedom of religion, gender equality, and civil rights. 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One of its main concepts is that knowledge is gained by experienceRead MoreClassical Liberalism Is A Political Philosophy Originated1594 Words   |  7 PagesClassical Liberalism is a political philosophy originated in the 18th century based on the idea of individual liberty created to preserve an open and accepting, and open-minded society. Classical liberalism is very solemn when advocating for the value of freedom in which emphasizes the importance of religion, speech, press, assembly, and markets which includes free trade market capitalism, and economic liberalism. Up until around the 1900s, this ideology was commonly known as Liberalism, however,Read MoreLiberalism, The Political Philosophy On Ideas Of Equality And Liberty1573 Words   |  7 PagesLiberalism Liberalism is the political philosophy on ideas of equality and liberty. 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Conservatism was a reaction against the Enlightenment because it reflected ideas based on tradition and hierarchy. The ideas of Liber alism were built on the foundation of the Enlightenment but began to mimic middle class values. The followers of Nationalism became excessively dedicated to the viewpoints of their nation. The socialist movement was a reaction against the EnlightenmentRead MoreNeo Liberalism And Its Impact On Society1414 Words   |  6 Pagesproactive welfare state. The concept of neo liberalism basically revived from liberalism. By this it can be suggested that liberalism was absent from politics in order to emerge in a new form. Neo liberalism is not basically a distinct ideology and a not proper form of liberalism. It shares only some of the historic views with liberalism which would be general. Another concept which is introduced is economic liberalism. It is defined as that the states do not intervene inRead MoreLiberalism and Its Key Values821 Words   |  3 PagesIn the study of Liberalism and its key values, those of Democracy and Social Justice have often been posited as providing the world with an ideology and political philosophy which can guarantee peace between its adherents. The ‘Democratic Peace’ has been formulated in order to illustrate a world in which democratic states do not engage in war between each oth-er as fellow democrats live with a stable and historically unique form of government. This essay shall explore whether it is acceptable thatRead MoreThe Church Of God A Harmony That Offers Possibilities For Evangelical Theology1226 Words   |  5 PagesEnlightenment Period . Schleiermacher was an early member of the Romanticism movement in Germany. He also attempts to â€Å"reconcile † Enlightenment thought with Protestan t Christianity, and maintained a very subjective/relativist approach to theology and philosophy. Schleiermacher viewed Scripture is therefore not normative, and sought to â€Å"rescue† religion from rationalistic attacks of skeptics . Henceforth, at the cost of the content of some major doctrines he becomes the standard Liberal response to so

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Censor Ship of a High School Newspaper Free Essays

Censoreship of a High School Newspaper Students at Central High School have written an article called â€Å"Underage Drinking Rampant at Central High†. The article is in the High School newspaper called The Tiger’s Eye†. The article is about teenagers from the high school are underage drinking and it is out of control. We will write a custom essay sample on Censor Ship of a High School Newspaper or any similar topic only for you Order Now The students want to distribute the news paper to the school. The School’s Administration is against the distribution of this article. The principal and superintendent believe the article should be censored from the school. But the students believe that distributing the article will inform younger teenagers about underage drinking, and will prevent them from drinking. Although the Administration believes that the newspaper should be surpressed, it should still be distributed. The first reason the article should be distributed is because it’s the law. The Constitution contains all the laws of the United States. The First Amendment of the U. S. Constitution guarantees the right of freedom of speech and freedom of the press. According to the First Amendment â€Å"Congress shall make no law†¦ abridging the freedom of speech or of the press†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (134). Freedom of speech means that the students can write and publish whatever they want. In addition, the editor of â€Å"The Tiger’s Eye† pointed out that the principal and super intendent â€Å"want a community in which everyone obeys the law. Everyone but them† (134). In other words, the administration should also obey the law. However, the law does apply in some circumstances. For example, the U. S. Supreme Court decided that High School Administrations have the right to censor or forbid topics that can be sensitive to students. The Administrators believe that underage drinking is a sensitive topic and that they should forbid the distribution of the article. But everyone knows about underage drinking, so it is not a sensitive topic. Therefore, the right of freedom of the press should be respected. The second reason the article should be distributed is so the students learn about the what happens when you drink. The consequences that underage drinking can affect you are serious. Almost everyone at the high school kows about drinking. An anonymous person stated â€Å"First you drink a little. Then you dance a little. Then you find a quiet bedroom somewhere or go out ang nto your car. Everybody knows this. †(133). He or she clearly satets the a majority of the high school students knows what happens. Furthermore, Juanita C. says â€Å"Sure I drink. Not a lot. Everyone I know does. †(132). She has friends that drink and she stated that everyone she knows does. However, Trisha M. was one of the many people who said â€Å"I’m not ready to drink yet. Maybe when I get a lot older. †(133). She and the other teens that answered a similar way don’t really know what’s happening with the drinking. Nevertheless, informing people about the serious consequences can save lives. How to cite Censor Ship of a High School Newspaper, Essay examples

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Terrorist Modus Operandi The Mumbai Attack 26/11 †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Terrorist Modus Operandi The Mumbai Attack: 26/11. Answer: Introduction The event of 26th November 2008 Mumbai attack has been selected in order to discuss the attack and the justice carried out. This report describes the 26/11 Mumbai attack that took place in India in the year 2008. The attack was launched on 26th November and continued till 29th November resulting in loss of many lives of police force and civilians. The problems with navy force and the lack of training to Mumbai police were the reasons that this attack happened with such a severe impact. The government of India took the steps to provide required aid to police by affiliating them with the advanced technology and weapons (Times of India, 2017). In the context developed above, this report has been prepared to discuss the 26/11 attack and perpetrators of the attack. Further, the discussion extends to the targeting tactics used by the perpetrators in conducting the attack. The impact of this attack on the country has also been analysed. Event Map It has been nine long years when the Mumbai attack took place in Hotel Taj and since then but the image of that event in the mind of people still persists. The Mumbai attack is popularly known as 26/11 attack that took place on 26th November 2008, Wednesday at midnight. The terrorists came in India through the water ways by hijacking the boat and the one with whom they came was also the Indian. It was Kasabs first operation as per his confession. There were two terrorists who blasted themselves at Jewish community center situated at Nariman house at Colaba, Mumbai. There were around 8 planned attacks that happened in India in Mumbai city in which total 171 people lost their lives and around 250 people were badly wounded. The identification of terrorist was made and 2 attackers, Nasir alias Abu Umar, who belongs to Faisalabad (Pakistan) and another person was Babar Imran alias Abu Akasha who was from Multan (Pakistan). The assaulter kidnapped many people out of which one was a hostage couple and other 4 were the visitors (Start.umd.edu, 2017). The child hostage along with the nanny rushed out of the place wisely to get an escape and help their members in a possible manner. The responsibility of this attack was taken by Deccan Mujahideen which was not so popular terrorist group before this attack. But yet the conformity was not gained; only estimates were made that these people and the group belong to Pakistan and the actual le ader or group behind this massive attack was Lashkar-e-Tayyaba (LeT). On investigating the person of Lashkar gave the statement that they were not responsible for these attacks. One of the assaulters was caught namely Ajmal Kasab who admitted that they were planning for this attack from last 6 months and came into Mumbai through waterways and resided in Mumbai to know about the places and locality, selecting the area with a high population so that maximum devastation could take place. The idea was to kill about 5,000 people in this attack and the basic target were foreigners visiting India (Maps of India, 2017). Kasab visited Mumbai as the student and evaluated the entire area and the best place has been selected where huge crowd gathers, the entire screening has been made to implement the planning and decreases the chances of failure and by carefully handling the situation (Debu, 2017). Kasab, at last, confessed that he was the member of Lashkar-e-Tayyaba from the suicide squad. Also in trials, Kasab openly talked about the mastermind that was involved in this attack and some other assaults that took place in the previously. In the year 2010, Kasab was sentenced to death for killing innocent people thereby being the major part of the mass destruction. The attack type was armed assault and kidnapping of people. The status of attack was successful and the target was Chabad-Lubavitch center, Hotel Taj, and the main location was Nariman point. There were total 6 hostages out of whom no one was from the US and they were kidnapped for 2 days of which some hostages were killed. The loss to the pro perty was less than $1 million but the life destruction was major that left the imprint in the history and many commandoes sacrificed their lives as well and every year this date is remembered and people mourn for the departed souls (India TV news, 2017). Date Hotel Taj Palace The Oberoi-Trident Nariman House Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus 26th November 2008 The attack started around 9:43pm. The hostages were kidnapped and bombing started. The tandoor chef was shot dead on the spot by the terrorist. Gun firing took place at the Oberoi and the gatekeeper was killed on the spot. In the lobby the grenade explosion took place. The attack happened was on the Chabad House which was the Jews community centre, it was located in Colaba and the hostages and many other Jew people were trapped over there. Many out of them were the visitors from around the world. 2 commandos went to the railway station and there were 4 terrorists involved in the firing at the place. Among the four there were two terrorists that were caught out of which Ajmal Kasab who was the one who was the only which were captured alive and the justice has been drawn out. The firing end up at 10:45 pm IST and it was found that 52 people were dead and 100 people were heavily injured. 27th November 2008 Group of 200 commandoes headed to Mumbai from Delhi. The arms have arrived by now and rescue operation had started. People were praying for the safety of their loved ones. The hotel started to vacant and around 31 people were rescued by the time. The fire explosion took place at 4th floor. Commandoes came for the rescue but the terrorists were well planned and they destroyed all the entry points to create more difficulty for the commandoes to enter into the building. 28th November 2008 The explosion of ten grenades took place within the premises of Hotel Taj Palace. The rescue program was concluded by now and the 2 terrorists that were involved have been killed. Around nine hostages were killed and the NSG team landed on the terrace through the air drops. The explosion and heavy firing took place. 29th November 2008 The Hotel was vacated and the savage was made. At NSG and JJ hospitals the beds and wards were full and constant body bags were arriving. Perpetrators The brief description of the Perpetrators and masterminds behind the Mumbai attack has been quoted underneath: Mohammed Ajmal Amir Kasab There was the only one attacker caught alive by commandos and it was Kasab, aged only 21-years. The only picture that supported the involvement of Kasab was the one in which he was walking at the CST station with AK-47 which gave the recognition and helped the army to catch him. He was basically from Faridkot village which is situated in Dipalpur taluka at Okara district within Pakistans Punjab province. Kasab was initially a small thief before joining Lashkar-e-Tayyaba. For the operation of 26/11, the code was assigned to Kasab so that identity does not get revealed in case if the police is able to catch him. In May 2010 Ajmal Kasab was sentenced to death and on November 21, 2012, he was hanged till death (India today, 2012). Hafiz Mohammed Saeed Saeed was an escape from the 26/11 attack and played a major role in programming the entire attack. He was one of the trainer and member of Lashkar. Along with Saeed, there were 2 more Pakistani professors namely Zafar Iqbal Abdul Rehman Makki. He was also involved in many Anti-India insurgencies that happened in Kashmir (India) or any other attack that took place in India leaving people fiercely. Hafiz Saeed was the chief conspirator to plan the Mumbai attack and he also took part in providing training to 10 terrorists who were involved in the 26/11 (Indian Express, 2017). Zarar Shah Shah was another leader that provided training to the terrorists in context of Mumbai attack. He constantly monitored the training session and even he continued to be in touch with the group at the time of the attack. The Anti-Terror Squad recorded the calls of Zarar with that of the terrorists. He got arrested after the scenario of 26/11 along with companion Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi. The report states that while in custody Shah confessed regarding his role in the 26/11 attack (Mumbai Mirror, 2017). Abu Kahfa Abu Kahfa was anescape from 26/11 case and he played the lead role in planning the destruction of Mumbai 26/11 Attack. He was the mentor of Ajmal Kasab along with the remaining 9 accused. He monitored the training program and made terrorist learn the crucial points in the context of the attack. Kahfa's name was first released when the team was figured out by the Anti-Terrorism Squad in relation to the Mumbai attack. He was just not physically present on the attack site but he was constantly passing on information to the terrorists over their phones (Chaturvedi Sen, 2017). Along with these attackers, there were certainly more muggers involved. Analysing the situation the defect of attack could be clearly understood and it could be estimated form this that behind such havoc a big team was involved and many people played various and crucial role in incorporating the fearful event of destruction. Some of the other people related to the 26/11 attack were Javed Iqbal, Abu Al Qama, Abu Hamza, Yusuf Alias Muzammil and Colonel R. Saadat Ullah (The Indian Express, 2017). Tactics Rationale The tactical rationale analysis has been implemented to examine the actual issue and all the tactics which have been used to synthesize the information related to the battle and bloodshed that took place (Pawar, 2017). The analysis has been conducted with the assistance of OODA loop. This loop is based on military cycle which is used to win the battle. OODA stands for Observation, Orientation, Decision and Action (Close quarter combat, 2017). Stage 1: Observation The observation argues that the power of Indian intelligence service lies in the fact that the network of police must be aware of the scene and should monitor the suspicious entry of terrorists. Analysing and reviewing the present case, it could be quoted that in the present scenario wherein several technologies have been developed and intelligence machines have been developed. There has been forecast that LeT will cross the borders and it has been identified that some fishy things are going to take place; therefore, it was necessary that Indian intelligence makes pre-preparation to safeguard the country. Due to certain slips and ignorance, Indian navy was not able to predict the arrival of terrorist in the nation. The situation could have been controlled if Indian army and Mumbai police were more aware about the signals. Thirty-five new sim cards were purchased; however, the police took the actions later after getting the information. It could be depicted that LeT have been well-prepared than the Indian army. As a result, such an event took place successfully and caused disasters in the lives of people as well broke down the economy of the country (Machold, 2017). Stage 2: Orientation When the attack took place, the police was needed to take the responsibility and should have performed the immediate actions. However, contrary to it, the police denied the occurrence of such an event. Later, the inspector responsible for the action was suspended and the responsibility was handed over to police housing. In comparison to the tension in the situation, the police was not much trained as well as they were not having efficient and advanced artillery. When the commandoes from the military came and took over the charge then only the situation became under control. The attack was made is in the military style and the training was provided to the ten people which was also high class (Sen Dutta, 2017). Stage 3: Decision The decisions are the best suitable solutions to resolve the issue and solving the scenario. The entire planning has to be made and the optimum solution needs to be identified for every operation. The best decision has to be taken under the challenging situation. There was a lot of political pressure on the police and military because important people were staying in Hotel Taj and a number of lives were at risk. In Oberoi, around 31 soldiers got injured though they had the best training. The decision has to be taken by the commander; therefore, police should have undergone the detection process. Also the observation was not very specific to reach the good decisions (The Hindu, 2009). Stage 4: Action After the decision making has taken place, the final implementation of actions done. The results should be estimated in such a manner which matches the understanding of the rivals. The police were not able to obtain the information and figure out the plan that is to be carried out. The police and the intelligence officers could have acted well if appropriate training has been provided to the police (Menon, 2016). The police should have been more aware and they should have figured the attack earlier using advanced technology. The Indian navy must have caught the suspects and spotted them when they crossed the borders. The terrorists were not well-trained and planned an advanced attack. The commandoes handled the situation and wisely construed a plan to stay a step ahead of the terrorists. They were well trained and fought the situation in an extremely wise manner. Due to this incident, the economy faced ample amount of fall which affected the GDP of country to the great extent (Khan, Estrada Yusof, 2016) Impact Assessment The fear of terrorism has been increasing all over the world and has become a huge threat. The terrorist attacks are frequent in the world. Most of these activities are carried by Lashkar-e-Tayyaba (LeT). The 26/11 attack which took place in Mumbai was fierce and scary and destroyed a large number of innocent lives. The attack started on 26th November 2017 and ended on 29th November 2017 (Acharya, 2017). Sixty crucial hours were spent in terrific situations threatening the life of people in Mumbai. The ten attackers were well trained and had advanced technology and weapons. Around 260 people were killed who belonged to 10 different countries (Morakabati Beavis, 2017). The modus operandi of the attack has been explained in detail and an investigation report has been made by Indian Government which has been shared with the Government of Pakistan. The terrorism is represented as network activity which used the technique commonly stated as Social Network Analysis (SNA). It studies the s ocial relationships represented by the nodes and the ties. Upon researching, it was found that the terrorist and the members of the terrorist group are known as the nodes and the healthy flourishing relationship between these members are referred to be ties among these nodes. After the attack of 9/11 in the World Trade Centre, the study of SNA has increased and research in the counter terrorist activities has increased. The capability of SNA is evaluated to elucidate the activities of the group, selecting the target and deciding the motives that behind these attack (Azad Gupta, 2017). Conclusion The report argues over the terrorist attack which took place in India destroying the amenities and breaking down the value of money along with destructing the economic condition of the country. Initially, the event map has been discussed by giving the blueprint of the popular event 26/11 Mumbai attack in India. Thereafter, the study was made over perpetrators who were involved in the Mumbai attack and investigation was made which states regarding the terrorist activities. The assessment has been conducted and the target was identified. Tactics rationale is thoroughly described in stages and the conclusion has been drawn out of it. Lastly, the impact of the assessment has been made which describes the damages caused and injuries which have occurred. The attack was massive loss to humanity and the threat towards the country also increased, it even affected the tourism for long period of time. The lack of police efforts and less provision of weapons and other facilities were noticed. Be tter training to police should be provided along with better invigilation at the borders and navy areas to avoid the suspects to enter and destroy the country. References Acharya, A., 2017. Fighting Terrorism and Crime.Non-Traditional Security Challenges in Asia: Approaches and Responses, p.220. Azad.S., Gupta.A., 2017, A quantitative assessment on 26/11 Mumbai attack using social network analysis, viewed on 8th November 2017, https://jtr.st-andrews.ac.uk/articles/10.15664/jtr.187/. Close quarters combat, 2017, Tactical analysis of the 2008 terror attacks on Mumbai, viewed on 8th November 2017, https://www.closequarterscombat.net/tactical-analysis-terror-attacks-mumbai-2008/. Debu, 2017, Mumbai Terror Attack: no lessons learnt from 26/11, viewed on 8th November 2017, https://www.mapsofindia.com/my-india/government/revisiting-mumbai-terror-attack-no-lessons-learnt-from-2611. India today, 2012, Ajmal Kasab hanged: he swore to God that he would never commit 26/11-type mistake, viewed on 8th November 2017, https://indiatoday.intoday.in/story/ajmal-kasab-hanged-his-last-word-mumbai-terror-attack/1/230206.html. India TV news, 2017, Facts to know about 26/11 Mumbai attacks, viewed on 8th November 2017, https://www.indiatvnews.com/news/india/facts-to-know-about-26-11-mumbai-attacks-44584.html. Indian Express, 2017, Mumbai terror attack mastermind Hafiz Saeed under house arrest: Reports, viewed on 8th November 2017, https://indianexpress.com/article/india/mumbai-26-11-mastermind-hafiz-muhammad-saeed-under-house-arrest-in-pakistan-reports-4499599/. Khan, A., Estrada, M.A.R. and Yusof, Z., 2016. Terrorism and India: an economic perspective.Quality Quantity,50(4), pp.1833-1844. Machold, R., 2017. Militarising Mumbai? The Politics of Response. Mumbai Must be Secured. Now!.ContextoInternacional,39(3), pp.477-498. Maps of India, 2017, Mumbai terror attacks, viewed on 8th November 2017, https://www.mapsofindia.com/mumbai/mumbai-terror-attacks.html. Menon. S., 2016, Why India didnt attack Pakistan after 26/11 Mumbai attack, viewed on 8th November 2017, https://www.livemint.com/Leisure/29lXP57cHDAloqUf2uJOHM/Why-India-didnt-attack-Pakistan-after-2611-Mumbai-attacks.html. Morakabati, Y. and Beavis, J., 2017. Do Terrorist Attacks Leave an Identifiable Fingerprinton International Tourist Arrival Data?.International Journal of Tourism Research,19(2), pp.179-190. Mumbai Mirror, 2017, Ties with Zarar Shah tighten Headley's link with 26/11 case, viewed on 8th November 2017, https://mumbaimirror.indiatimes.com/mumbai/other/Ties-with-Zarar-Shah-tighten-Headleys-link-with-26/11-case/articleshow/15970605.cms. Pawar, O.S., 2017. Terrorist Attacks on Mumbai and Role of Pakistan. Rediff, 2016, LeT#2 Abu Kahfa instructed 26/11 terrorists over thephone: Headley, viewed on 8th November 2017, https://news.rediff.com/commentary/2016/feb/11/let-2-abu-khafa-instructed-2611-terrorists-over-phone-headley/22754310842495ba8fa0a2709764ddb9. Sen, S. and Dutta, U., 2017. They Came by Boat: The 2008 Terrorist Attack on Mumbai.Culture and Crisis Communication: Transboundary Cases from Nonwestern Perspectives, p.119. Start.umd.edu, 2017, Global terrorism database, viewed on 8th November 2017, https://www.start.umd.edu/gtd/search/IncidentSummary.aspx?gtdid=200811260001. The Hindu, 2009, Police decision to enter Cana was sudden: 26/11 probe, viewed on 8th November 2017, https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/Police-decision-to-enter-Cama-was-sudden-2611-probe/article16854736.ece. The Indian Express, 2017, Perpetrators and masterminds of the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks, viewed on 8th November 2017, https://indianexpress.com/article/26-11/timeline/perpetrators-and-masterminds-of-the-2611-mumbai-terror-attacks/. Times of India, 2017, What happened on 26/11? 10 key points, viewed on 8th November 2017, https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/what-happened-on-26/11-10-key-points/listshow/55631763.cms. Bibliography Acharya, A., 2017. Fighting Terrorism and Crime.Non-Traditional Security Challenges in Asia: Approaches and Responses, p.220. Azad.S., Gupta.A., 2017, A quantitative assessment on 26/11 Mumbai attack using social network analysis, viewed on 8th November 2017, https://jtr.st-andrews.ac.uk/articles/10.15664/jtr.187/. Boston, 2017, The big picture, viewed on 8th November 2017, https://archive.boston.com/bigpicture/2008/11/mumbai_under_attack.html. Close quarters combat, 2017, Tactical analysis of the 2008 terror attacks on Mumbai, viewed on 8th November 2017, https://www.closequarterscombat.net/tactical-analysis-terror-attacks-mumbai-2008/. Debu, 2017, Mumbai Terror Attack: no lessons learnt from 26/11, viewed on 8th November 2017, https://www.mapsofindia.com/my-india/government/revisiting-mumbai-terror-attack-no-lessons-learnt-from-2611. Hindustan Times, 2009, Timeline: Mumbai 26/11 attacks, viewed on 8th November 2017, https://www.hindustantimes.com/india/timeline-mumbai-26-11-attacks/story-2u70QNcCy5uHlbiWTSvSNI.html. India today, 2012, Ajmal Kasab hanged: he swore to God that he would never commit 26/11-type mistake, viewed on 8th November 2017, https://indiatoday.intoday.in/story/ajmal-kasab-hanged-his-last-word-mumbai-terror-attack/1/230206.html. India TV news, 2017, Facts to know about 26/11 Mumbai attacks, viewed on 8th November 2017, https://www.indiatvnews.com/news/india/facts-to-know-about-26-11-mumbai-attacks-44584.html. Indian Express, 2017, Mumbai terror attack mastermind Hafiz Saeed under house arrest: Reports, viewed on 8th November 2017, https://indianexpress.com/article/india/mumbai-26-11-mastermind-hafiz-muhammad-saeed-under-house-arrest-in-pakistan-reports-4499599/. Khan, A., Estrada, M.A.R. and Yusof, Z., 2016. Terrorism and India: an economic perspective.Quality Quantity,50(4), pp.1833-1844. Machold, R., 2017. Militarising Mumbai? The Politics of Response. Mumbai Must be Secured. Now!.ContextoInternacional,39(3), pp.477-498. Maps of India, 2017, Mumbai terror attacks, viewed on 8th November 2017, https://www.mapsofindia.com/mumbai/mumbai-terror-attacks.html. Menon. S., 2016, Why India didnt attack Pakistan after 26/11 Mumbai attack, viewed on 8th November 2017, https://www.livemint.com/Leisure/29lXP57cHDAloqUf2uJOHM/Why-India-didnt-attack-Pakistan-after-2611-Mumbai-attacks.html. Morakabati, Y. and Beavis, J., 2017. Do Terrorist Attacks Leave an Identifiable Fingerprinton International Tourist Arrival Data?.International Journal of Tourism Research,19(2), pp.179-190. Mumbai Mirror, 2017, Ties with Zarar Shah tighten Headley's link with 26/11 case, viewed on 8th November 2017, https://mumbaimirror.indiatimes.com/mumbai/other/Ties-with-Zarar-Shah-tighten-Headleys-link-with-26/11-case/articleshow/15970605.cms. Pawar, O.S., 2017. Terrorist Attacks on Mumbai and Role of Pakistan. Rediff, 2016, LeT#2 Abu Kahfa instructed 26/11 terrorists over thephone: Headley, viewed on 8th November 2017, https://news.rediff.com/commentary/2016/feb/11/let-2-abu-khafa-instructed-2611-terrorists-over-phone-headley/22754310842495ba8fa0a2709764ddb9. Rediff, 2017, Many more questions about the terror attack, viewed on 8th November 2017, https://www.rediff.com/news/2008/dec/01mumterror-some-questions-about-the-terror-attacks.htm. Sen, S. and Dutta, U., 2017. They Came by Boat: The 2008 Terrorist Attack on Mumbai.Culture and Crisis Communication: Transboundary Cases from Nonwestern Perspectives, p.119. Start.umd.edu, 2017, Global terrorism database, viewed on 8th November 2017, https://www.start.umd.edu/gtd/search/IncidentSummary.aspx?gtdid=200811260001. The Economic Times a, 2017, 26/11 Mumbai attack trial, viewed on 8th November 2017, https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/topic/26-11-Mumbai-attack-trial. The Economic Times b, 2017, India reluctant to send 24 witnesses to Pak in 26/11 Mumbai attack vase: Pakistan, viewed on 8th November 2017, https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/defence/india-reluctant-to-send-24-witnesses-to-pak-in-26/11-mumbai-attack-case-pakistan/articleshow/57652968.cms. The Hindu, 2009, Police decision to enter Cana was sudden: 26/11 probe, viewed on 8th November 2017, https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/Police-decision-to-enter-Cama-was-sudden-2611-probe/article16854736.ece. The Indian Express, 2017, Perpetrators and masterminds of the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks, viewed on 8th November 2017, https://indianexpress.com/article/26-11/timeline/perpetrators-and-masterminds-of-the-2611-mumbai-terror-attacks/. Times of India, 2017, What happened on 26/11? 10 key points, viewed on 8th November 2017, https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/what-happened-on-26/11-10-key-points/listshow/55631763.cms.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

The eNotes Blog Judging a Book By ItsCover

Judging a Book By ItsCover A six year-old judges classic novels solely on their covers. At a loss as to how to explain the premise of more than a dozen classic works to her kindergarten-aged daughter, one blogger mom decided to find out how they might appear to the mind of a small child. The results will amuse and surprise you, mostly for the fact that six year-olds expect any book they come across to have a good really nice ending. How wrong they are But dont worry, no childhood innocence was crushed in the making of this article. The Great Gatsby I think its a book about a haunted theme park and it stars a magical magic guy and hes good and evil and hes trying to get rid of the ghosts. And I think at the end, since its haunted by a ghost, he tried to make the park go on fire and it did. Animal Farm It looks like a book for kids. I think it’s about a donkey and a pig that do not like each other and they both live on a farm for animals. The same farm. It looks like it would be a funny book with a good really nice ending. One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest I think it’s a book for kiddies, it’s a colorful book. I think it’s about a tiny bird that flew over a cuckoo birds nest, that is why it’s named that. It looks like a really sweet kiddy book. Wuthering Heights â€Å"It looks weird. I think this must be a book about a tree. I would not read a book about just a tree. And it looks like it’s a sad tree too since it has no friends.† A Clockwork Orange It’s about a person who is a robot, a very colorful robot. He’s pretty fancy for a robot. The Fellowship of the Ring This book is about a tree on a hill. The tree is the star of the book and it’s a very nice tree but everyone else is mean. I think the tree has a magical ring and some evil guys capture the ring and put him on the top of the hill so they can watch him. Farenheit 451 â€Å"I think this is about a gigantic robot who goes on fire and he doesn’t like himself. It has a sad ending. It looks like a book for teens. The title means fire, a really really really big fire since the number is 451, that would mean it was really hot. So the robot must get really hot. Maybe that is why he is so sad.† And just for fun Fifty Shades of Grey On the cover is a very weird looking Zebra. The book is about a zebra that wears pants. It’s a drama book about this zebra guy who likes to go fishing for aces. Click here for more hilarious and heartwarming summaries from the mind of a six year-old. Judging a Book by ItsCover Can you judge a book by its cover? Cricket House Book Design thinks so. Well, actually, this innovative company is bestowing new life on vetted classics, giving them much-needed and stunning updates. While Kindles and other e-Readers continue to take over more and more of the market, there are still plenty of bibliophiles who desire a real, print book in their hands and want their libraries to reflect the beauty of those pages, both inside and out. Each selection designed by Cricket House is also accompanied by the passage which inspired the art. Here are just a few of the stunning covers available. Simply click the Amazon link below each title on Cricket Houses website to order your own piece of literary loveliness. Alices Adventures in Wonderland So she sat on, with closed eyes, and half believed herself in Wonderland, though she knew she had but to open them again, and all would change to dull reality- the grass would be only rustling in the wind, and the pool rippling to the waving of the reeds- the rattling teacups would change to tinkling sheep-bells, and the Queens shrill cries to the voice of the shepherd boy- and the sneeze of the baby, the shriek of the Gryphon, and all the other queer noises, would change (she knew) to the confused clamour of the busy farm-yard- while the lowing of the cattle in the distance would take the place of the Mock Turtles heavy sobs. ~Alice in Wonderland, Ch. 12 Jane Eyre It was enough that in yonder closet, opposite my dressing-table, garments said to be hers had already displaced my black stuff Lowood frock and straw bonnet: for not to me appertained that suit of wedding raiment; the pearl-coloured robe, the vapoury veil pendent from the usurped portmanteau.   I shut the closet to conceal the strange, wraith-like apparel it contained; which, at this evening hour- nine o’clock- gave out certainly a most ghostly shimmer through the shadow of my apartment.   I will leave you by yourself, white dream, I said.   I am feverish: I hear the wind blowing: I will go out of doors and feel it.' ~Jane Eyre, Ch. 25 Beowulf The flower of thy might lasts now a while: but erelong it shall be that sickness or sword thy strength shall minish, or fang of fire, or flooding billow, or bite of blade, or brandished spear, or odious age; or the eyes clear beam wax dull and darken: Death even thee in haste shall oerwhelm, thou hero of war! ~ Beowulf, Ch. 25 Oliver Twist And what an excellent example of the power of dress young Oliver Twist was. Wrapped in the blanket which had hitherto formed his only covering, he might have been the child of a nobleman or a beggar; – it would have been hard for the haughtiest stranger to have fixed his station in society. But now he was enveloped in the old calico robes, that had grown yellow in the same service; he was badged and ticketed, and fell into his place at once – a parish child – the orphan of a workhouse – the humble, half-starved drudge – to be cuffed and buffeted through the world, despised by all, and pitied by none. Ch. 1, Oliver Twist, Charles Dickens

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Writing effective job descriptions - Emphasis

Writing effective job descriptions Writing effective job descriptions Rob Ashton explains how to write your way to the ideal candidate. Back in January, we lamented that the UK was sitting on a glut of unwanted Christmas presents. Matching present to person is seldom an easy task. It takes time and effort. But in the run up to Christmas, many people would have taken a wild stab in the dark; picking up something passable from a department store and hoping for the best. Little wonder then that the bill for unwanted gifts is an estimated 700 million (according to recent research by eBay and market-research firm TNS). When it comes to choosing a new recruit, no HR professional would ever use this haphazard approach. But sometimes you can outline exactly what you want in a job specification and still end up with the equivalent of a naff jumper. Communicating with prospective candidates is not a perfect science. But its disheartening to trawl through CVs or application forms that bear little relation to the qualities that you carefully described. Not to mention a waste of time and money. In such a situation, the problem is that somewhere along the line, what the hirer meant was lost in translation. And even though they may have received some spot-on applications, theyll be unable to shake the feeling that theyve lost the opportunity to find the largest pool of talented individuals. If thats ever happened to you, the good news is that learning some writing skills techniques can help you to be as clear and concise as possible increasing your chances of finding the ideal people for your positions. So here are my seven tips for writing winning job specifications that will resonate with job hunters. One Examine why you need the role to start with. To do this you can brainstorm using the headings who?, what?, where?, when?, and why? Make sure that the role fits your departmental processes and that you are not empire building. And be realistic about the nature of the role. Whether the role is temporary or permanent, you need to understand the commitment of either structure to the organisation. Two Before you begin writing the job spec, focus your thoughts on the job hunter. Avoid a one-size-fits-all approach by asking yourself: Who will read it? How much do they already know about the prospective job? What do they absolutely need to know? What will excite my ideal candidate? What response do I want from them? Then write a clear description of duties and include the key deliverables. Whether its a junior or senior role, use language that the level of applicant you want to attract will understand even if this includes jargon. But avoid management-speak at all costs. Three Be honest about the duties of the role. In most situations, candidates will appreciate your candour about the level of energy required. And it will help you find someone with the right level of drive. Four Write a summary of your company and department. And include an organisation chart defining where the position sits. It also helps to provide some background information explaining why the role has been created and how it will integrate into the organisation. Five Outline both the hard and soft skills and experience required to make the role a success. Make your writing reader-centred by using words such as you, we and us. Opt for verbs instead of nouns. For example, instead of Were looking for a hardworking consultant for the completion of an IT project write Were looking for a hardworking consultant to complete an IT project. And choose simple words over more complicated ones. Its better to say you want someone enthusiastic (or even keen) rather than someone ebullient. Six Clearly define the location, salary, benefits, duration of contract (if necessary) and start date. And make sure you account for statutory requirements, such as procurement or legal terms and conditions. Seven Finally, ensure your contact details are included and end with a call to action. Something simple such as, If this sounds like you, call the human resources department now will encourage candidates to apply. Remember to keep your focus on your ideal candidate throughout the writing process, and youll increase the chances of securing the perfect match.

Monday, February 17, 2020

Understanding Religious Diversity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Understanding Religious Diversity - Essay Example Considering a person as even a part of Allah’s qualities for worship is forbidden. Messenger of Allah, Muhammad (S.A.A.W) is a man and last prophet of the only god Allah. In Christian religion there are mainly three figure possessing divine powers as god has; Holy mother referred as Maryam (A.S) in Islam, Jesus the son of god is referred as messenger like Muhammad (S.A.A.W) and a simple human being with a blessed soul given by Allah; third figure is god itself. Synonym to god in Islam is Allah. There are only two physical worships or you can say rituals mainly performed by every Muslim all over the world. One is praying to Allah in the same way as Messenger of Allah (S.A.A.W) did. Other is fasting. Fasting is not a unique phenomenon as Jews and Christians are also familiar to fasting. I perform both worships as it is obligatory for every Muslim to perform them. Another ritual called Jihad has two types; one the fight of man within itself against personal fears and evil deeds. Other one is Jihad with sword or weapon; Jihad of person with itself is given more importance than others. Jihad with sword is only an obligation to Muslims when they are attacked by foreign power or fight with them on the basis of religion. Also it is only allowed when given permission by ruler of Muslim country or permission from wife and mother. Terrorists that are propagated as Islamic fighters over the media are not Muslims. The oneness of god and limited obligations to man makes in my opinion more satisfied and brave in character; also Islam provides guidance in every aspect of life from personal to society figure of it. Modern phenomenon as organizational behaviors, business ethics, family and child care and war ethics that are introduced into modern world were taught by Islam 1400 years ago. These are enough proofs to believe in truthfulness of Islam and are the main motivation

Monday, February 3, 2020

Case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 4

Case study - Essay Example Even though he was registering a good recovery following his multi-organ surgery in the lungs, kidneys, liver and splenectomy in the high-dependency unit, from the sixth postoperative day, he began to deteriorate, and this called for investigations about the possible aetiology of his sudden deterioration despite initial evidence of recovery. The potential risk factors for his deterioration are multiple bony traumas; multi-organ injuries and surgeries including lungs, liver, kidneys, and spleen; multiple blood transfusions; and hospital-acquired infection in the high-dependency unit. The provisional diagnosis could be one of acquired coagulopathy that may have resulted due to the above risk factors. The provisional diagnosis could be DIC or disseminated intravascular coagulation since the most common signs of this disorder are petechiae, ecchymosis, and oozing from venipuncture sites and catheter sites, as well as bleeding from surgical incisions (Attar et al., 1969, p. 939-965). In some situations, DIC becomes only evident after laboratory analysis with mild or no clinical symptoms at all. As in this case, these patients become symptomatic after stress situations, such as, surgery, or severe infections. The common denominator of DIC is the pathological generation of thrombin, which leads to widespread intravascular depo sition of fibrin and to the consumption of coagulation factors and platelets. DIC is as such not a disease entity, but the consequence of a variety of disorders that diffusely lead to the activation of coagulation mechanisms within the bloodstream (Carey and Rodgers, 1998, 65-73). The formation of thrombi in the microcirculation activates the fibrinolytic process as a compensatory mechanism to lyse the clots. This mechanism generates circulating fibrin degradation products, which in concert with the coagulation deficiencies and thrombocytopenia results in bleeding. DIC occurs in a wide spectrum of diseases.

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Symmetry and Group Theory in Relation to Wallpaper Groups

Symmetry and Group Theory in Relation to Wallpaper Groups Mark Anderson 1.1 Group Theory Group Theory was derived from three other areas of mathematics, number theory, the theory of algebraic equations and geometry. The first prominent mathematicians credited with studying group theory were A-L.Cauchy, E.Galois and J-L.Lagrange. Although Lagranges work with groups is probably the earliest research into groups, in the 18th century, his work was rather isolated and the mid-19th century works of Cauchy and Galois are often considered to be the origin of the study of group theory. In his 1770 paper, Lagrange was the first mathematician to study permutations. His objective for the study was to discover why cubic and quartic equations could be solved using the theory of algebra. During his work, while evident permutation group theory is being used in his work, the permutations are never composed and he never discusses groups themselves. Cauchy published his first paper on the topic of permutations in 1815, however, it was not until his work in 1844 that permutations were considered a subject in its own right by introducing many of the key aspects of permutation groups including the notation of positive and negative powers of groups, identifying the power 0 being the identity, the cycle and permutation notation of a group and the order of a permutation. He also proved the conjugacy of permutations if the permutations have the same cycle structure and Cauchys theorem If a prime divides the order of a group, that group has a subgroup of order . Galois had papers published posthumously in 1846 by Liouville after Liouville saw a connection between Galois work and the permutation work of Cauchy from 1844. This work showed that Galois understood the relationship between the structure of a group of permutations related to the equation and the algebraic solution of an equation. To fully show this he created the notion of a normal subgroup. This was the first time the term group had been used in a technical sense. 1.2 Wallpaper Groups The origins of the study of wallpaper groups began as the study of crystallography which was to determine the structure of crystalline solids at the atomic level. It was from this study that many of the proofs for symmetry were discovered and set the foundations for more advanced symmetry groups such as space group which led to the proof of wallpaper groups.          In 1830, J.F.C Hessel discovered the maximum unique combinations of reflections and rotations of a crystal around a fixed point such that the image created is symmetrical to be 32. He proves this using the law of indices which states that the intercepts, OP, OQ, OR, of the natural faces of a crystal form with the unit-cell axes a, b, c are inversely proportional to prime integers, h, k, l. (IUCR, 2016). This is illustrated in the image below. All 32 combinations with crystallographic symmetry were then found geometrically in 1835 by M.L Frankenheim. Using the theory of crystal classes discovered by Hessel, A. Bravais systemized the theory and classified the 14 spacial lattices, which we now know as Bravais Lattices. These lattices are defined as infinite arrays of discrete points in a 3-Dimensional plane created by a set of operations described by Using both Hessels and Bravais work E. Fedorov and A.M Schà ¶nflies proved the existence of the 230 space groups in 1891. These space groups are Bravais lattices that have been reflected or rotated in any of the 32 unique point groups discovered by Hessel. These space groups within a 2-dimensional plane are the 17 wallpaper groups, which although known for centuries was only proved after the proof of space groups was already completed. A group is defined as a non-empty set under a binary operation, i.e. addition, multiplication etc. In order to be classified as a group, it must maintain four conditions: closure, associativity, identity and inverse. Let be a group with a binary operation Closure: For every element belonging to the group , the result of every two elements under the binary operation on the group is equal to another element of the group. i.e. then . Associativity: If three elements belong to the group then the order the operation is performed on the three elements will not affect the outcome. i.e. If the . Identity: There exists an element in the group such that when the binary operation is applied to it and any other element in the group, the outcome is equal to the other element. i.e. such that . Inverse: For every element in the group there is another element in such that when the two elements are under the operation the outcome is equal to the identity. i.e. such that A simple example of a group is the group of integers under the operation of addition (. This can be proved by showing the group satisfies the four axioms as stated above. Any integer added to any other is another integer, so the group is closed. Addition is associative, the identity of the group is 0 as any , and the inverse of any integer is as . A basic symmetry group to understand how symmetry is related to group theory is the symmetries of the rectangle. This group contains the linear transformations that leave the rectangles origin in place i.e. rotations and reflections. This shows there are 4 symmetries of the rectangle as shown in Figure 2. This can be displayed in multiple ways including Cayley tables, matrices and as permutations References International Union of Crystallography, 2016. Law of Rational Indices. [Online] Available at: http://reference.iucr.org/dictionary/Law_of_rational_indices[Accessed 26 February 2017]. Kleiner, I., 2004. The Evolution of Group Theory: A Brief Survey. [Online] Available at: https://www.math.lsu.edu/~adkins/m7200/GroupHistory.pdf[Accessed 24 February 2017]. OConnor, J. J. Robertson, E. F., 1996. The Development of Group Theory. [Online] Available at: http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/history/HistTopics/Development_group_theory.html[Accessed 24 February 2017].

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Blood Passion Ludlow and Class War in the American West Essay

Introduction                      The Book Blood Passion: Ludlow and Class War in the American west is a narrative exploration of the most violent labor showdowns in the history of America. It portrays the deaths of seventy-five people who were killed in a period of seven months. It explores the guerilla war that erupted at the brink of collapse of political structures whereby only the intervention of the U.S army could end it. The book by Scott Martelle provides insight into the life and times of the miners in Colorado at a time when working in the mines was just as dangerous as living above the mines. The author of the book brings to life through vivid pictures taken during the times of the war. He tries to summarize the fact that there had been lawless killing of miners who had been on strike for more than fifteen months. The miners had been kicked out of their company homes when they had begun the strike, but they had built a tent colony for both themselves and their families. However, the Baldwin-Felts detectives who had been hired to protect the mines were given instruction to remove all strikers from the company’s vicinity, which consequently led to the guerilla wars that followed, killing men, women and children. The author states that the miners had the right to strike given the fact that they lived in the company houses where they paid rent, shopped in the company’s shops and drank in the company’s saloon, but later, their wages were cut by ten percent. On the other hand, the Baldwin-Felts detectives who had been hired had fought harassed and killed union miners at the same time carrying out evictions. For this reason, the author states that the miners were fighting for their livelihoods against a system that was trumped by greed and prejudice. However, the thesis proposed by the author is not fully developed because he claims that this incident â€Å"marked the beginning of the modern era of labor disputes† (Martelle, 3). This is because he did not compare this strike with the other strikes in other locations and other industries where the same number or slightly fewer numbers of fatalities were recorded. There are also some weaknesses in the author’s arguments because his side of the story was too rigid and did not consider the miner’s traditional views of gender roles and at the same time working in an all-male working environment. He also did not mention the Catholic and Greek Orthodox religions, which played a major role in intensifying the miners’ fury against the guards and their depredations against women. By his statement that this was one of the defining moments for American labor histories, Martelle did not contradict himself. Although his evidence was one sided, the incidents that happened under John D. Rockefeller were a defining moment. The book is an efficient source of historical information when it comes to the Colorado incident that was recorded by history. For instance, the author lays note of the letter written by Lamont Montgomery Bowers who was Rockefeller’s man in Colorado who suggested a reduction of wages by ten percent. This is a piece of valuable evidence that gives insight into the escalation of the guerilla warfare between the company guards, the detectives, the mineworkers and innocent bystanders who were caught up in the crossfire. The Ludlow Massacre has helped to shape labor management in the 20th century because of the evidence brought up during a time when lawlessness was the order of the day. It serves as a cautionary reference about a market that was unregulated and the consequences of not having strong labor unions that fight for the workers. Although the labor market has been revolutionized since those fateful days, the Ludlow Massacre serves as a turning point for this advancement. There are some biases that spring up when reviewing the book. One of it is that the book focuses mainly on the plight of the miners while it should consider the economic times of the massacre. It was during this time that the coal, fuel and steel had become a precious commodity for American trade. Fuel, like oil and coal, had been the driving factors for the modern America where tough decisions had to be made. Although companies made fortunes from the mining of coal, the book does not focus on the impact that the strikes would have in case the production stopped in Southern Colorado, as compared to other coal-mining regions. The Ludlow Massacre clearly depicts misuse of power by individuals and corporations in positions of power and authority such as John D. Rockefeller and his cronies. Modern labor laws allow that the power should not be misused regardless of position of power of the amount of wealth that an individual has. The book describes Lamont Montgomery to have had a smart su it and a twitchy push broom mustache. It also states that even after a heated debate with the federal mediator, Bowers came out as the winner of the suit as a result of his affiliation. In conclusion, the Ludlow Massacre has been a pivotal point of reference in modern day labor laws. The importance of the memory of those fateful years traverses any economic or political affiliation that any scholar might have. However, it also shows the plight of mine workers and labor unions in a time when the country was gaining ground in terms of development and economic awareness. Reference Martelle, Scott. Blood passion: the Ludlow Massacre and class war in the American West. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 2007. Print. Source document