Thursday, November 7, 2019

Colonial Expansion of Western Civilization essays

Colonial Expansion of Western Civilization essays From the late nineteenth to the early twentieth century, Western nations including; Germany, Great Britian, France, and Italy, enrolled in a remarkably fierce period of imperial expansion. From the sixteenth to the eighteen centuries, there has been a on going fight for control over the new world. There are a several factors that contributed to the crave colonial expansion. One very imporant factor was the need to spread economic influence. Also, other countries believe that this was their nations last chance to gain any control and enlarge and of their empires. It was almost like a national competition among countries to see who could aquire the most territories because if they didnt then someone else would. Lastly, was the need to sway public opinion. Before the late eighteenth century, the opinion of the public was rarely considered, but when it came to colonial expansion, everyone is affected...positively or negatively. According to Friedrich Fabris Bedarf Deutschland der Kolonien in 1879, the German nation is more than capable of expanding its colonies and pave the way of a new course. He believes that Germany is financially and economically inclined, intensely appropriate for being a cultivated country, and could provide plentiful number of workers to do so. He feels it will be beneficial to the economic situation and to the entire national development for that matter. Fabri also states that Germany has such a political and historical power and he feels that new nations are made bitter amongst eachother and he appeals to the public by letting the German people think that by colonizing, this will bring the nations and the people together as one and this could create a liberating effect The letter form John G. Paton to James Service Urging British Possession of the New Hebrides in 1883, also states his opinion to why the British should expand to ...

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